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Peru Cajamarca

Peru Cajamarca

Regular price $21.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $21.00 USD
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Tasting Notes: Toffee, Malt, Chocolate

Origin: Peru

Region: Cajamarca

Process: Washed

Variety: Catimor, Caturra, Bourbon, Typica

Elevation: 1600–1900 masl

Importer: Cafe Imports

This coffee is a regional select consisting of the crops from various smallholder farms in the Cajamarca region of Peru. Brewed up it's a sweet, easy-drinking cup with notes of toffee, malt, and chocolate.

Cajamarca is a semi-dry, semi-cold, tropical highland of Peru with very fertile soil at high Andean mountain elevations. The main varieties of coffee in the region include Catimor, Caturra, Bourbon, and Typica. Many farmers in the area grow small 2-3 hectare (~5-7.5 acre) farms and have historically worked independently but a recent growth in cooperatives has helped to increase the quality of coffees produced in the area.

Grab a bag and keep this one in the rotation - this easy drinker wants to be your new morning companion.

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